Tuesday 15 September 2020

Child Labour in India

 In India, they have the largest number of child labourers in the world, Recruiters go to the poverty-stricken areas to traffic children often from lower caste such as the untouchables. They target areas that are often struck by natural disasters. About 60 million children are thought to still be working as child labourers. 70% of them work in the agriculture sector and the rest work in the construction sector. 

In 1989, the United Nations adopted the convention on the rights of the children. The convention is split into 4 parts, The right to protection, The right to development and the right to participation.  

Child labour has been around for generations and can be hard to eliminate, around the world people are working together to put an end to child labour. The ways people do that is by improving education for adults and children, community development, improving incomes and writing letters to the companies and governments about child labour. 

Child labour is ruining our children's lives, and the children are missing out on a lot of opportunities to learn properly, develop properly and they're losing their self-worth. But if enough of our people speak up about child labour we could put a stop to it. 

I think child labour is unfair for the kids because they're missing the opportunities that they may never ever get again. So I think more people need to speak up on child labour to end it.