Friday, 22 July 2016


On Monday the 11th of July instead of going to the holiday program my family and I went to Tauranga for a holiday.  We weren't just going for a holiday we were also going to visit our cousins and aunty's and uncles.It took forever to get to Tauranga but we got there.

As soon as we got there I burst out of the car and sprinted inside to my cousins and gave them all a big hug but I didin't just hug my cousins I also hugged there dog and kitten and there mum and dad.

The dog's name was Herk and the Kittens name was socks (funny name).After saying hi to everybody my family and I went back outside to unpack the car that was hard work.

After a while we all started getting hungry so my aunty made some lasagna (YUM). Oh did I menchan that they had bunny's well now you know that they do. The bunny's have to stay in a cage so they don't get out.

My aunty, uncle and cousins live a farm which is so cool, but the dum thing is that we are not allowed in the farm because it is to dangerous. On the farm there are only cows.

Every morning my uncle rides his motobike to work, and he gets up really early so every time I am over there and I hear the bike I wake up.

Man that was the best holiday ever.

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