Man jailed after breaking own dog’s leg, beating it so badly it had to be put down
This story is about a man who gets arrested for attacking his own dog Rocka. The owner Serrin Macpherson allowed the dog to roam the streets but when the dog Rocka came across another dog both dogs attacked a nearby livestock. When Macpherson found out about Rocka he then attacked him by kicking,punching and slamming him to the ground.The dog was taken away from Macpherson and was moved to the SPCA, eventually Rocka had to get put down because he was to badly injured. In the end Macpherson was sentenced by the police for 12 months and was banned for having animals. My opinion of this story is he probably couldn't handle looking after the dog. But he still shouldn't of abused the dog. In the future he shouldn’t be trusted with animals
Kia orana Nryee, this story is very touching. I disliked that the owner choose to be abusive to the dog just because it ran into another dog, tbh it was mainly her fault cause she let the dog run around the streets. Anyways Great job and keep up the good work